99 things I'd like to accomplish
This is a work in progress, and the various things are in a fairly random order. Some of the things represent hobbies, others are dreams however realistic or unrealistic; some things I'm not sure I even want to do. Some things aren't so much things you accomplish as they are things you are blessed with if it is God's will. And of course, life is full of choices and trade offs: Often you can't do it all!
Most of the things I've written down are objective, because it feels good to be able to put a check mark beside things and chart your progress. But the more important things in life are often subjective. They are the things you do a little bit every day, consciously or unconsciously, that make you who you are. Love, faith, joy, etc.
So this list is what it is, a bunch of adventurous, dreamy, even silly things to hope and aim for. Things that speak to my personality and to who God made me.
What I'm currently working on
Recently completed
57. | Watch a shuttle launch [journal] |
 | November 16, 2009 (Atlantis, STS-129) |
2. | Read the Bible in a year [journal] |
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Finished: June 1, 2009 |
69. | Start and end my day with prayer each day for a year [journal] |
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Finished: June 2, 2009 |
74. | Go on a date with Meredith each week for a year [journal] |
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Finished: June 2, 2009 |
92. | 100 mile diet for 100 days [journal] |
 | Started: February 19, 2009 Finished: May 29, 2009 |
 | By the grace of God: April 8, 2009 |
 | Started: June 1, 2007 Accomplished: June 1, 2008 |
3. | Run a marathon |
 | Started: January 2007 Accomplished: May 25, 2008 [journal] |
67. | Floss each day for a year |
 | Accomplished: April 20, 2008 [journal] |
68. | 3 minute showers for a year |
 | Accomplished: April 20, 2008 [journal] |
66. | Don't eat at McDonald's for a year |
 | Accomplished: January 1, 2008 [journal] |
71. | Make homemade raspberry jam |
 | Accomplished: July 21, 2007 [journal] |
28. | Read 20 books in a year [journal] |
 | Started: April 13, 2006 Accomplished: April 12, 2007 |
6. | Hold my breath for 3:00 [journal] |
 | Accomplished: March 10, 2007 |
Goals that are on the back-burner
 | Started: February 2008 |
 | Started: January 2008 |
 | Started: January 2008 |
 | 2006: PHP 2007: Ruby 2008: Ruby on rails 2009: Mathematica |
The list
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Completed: June 1, 2009 |
3. | Run a marathon |
 | Started: January 2007 Accomplished: May 25, 2008 [journal] |
4. | 24 hours with nothing but water |
6. | Hold my breath for 3:00 [journal] |
 | Accomplished: March 10, 2007 |
 | By the grace of God: April 8, 2009 |
8. | Bench press my own weight |
9. | Get a masters degree |
10. | Get a PhD |
11. | Live to be 100 |
 | Last update: June 29, 2006 |
13. | Par the Turkey Point golf course |
14. | Visit 43 countries |
 | Currently: Canada, United States, Cuba, England, Scotland, France, Holland, Greece, Turkey, Mexico (10) |
17. | Go to the moon (good luck on that one!) |
18. | Graduate from university |
 | Accomplished: June, 2003 |
19. | Get married |
 | October 15, 2005 (I'm not going to be a monk!) |
 | 2002 |
23. | Achieve a weight of 200 lbs. with less than 10% body fat |
24. | Create a webpage that receives 1,000,000 hits |
26. | Write a song |
 | 2003 |
27. | Learn to play 10 instruments |
 | Currently: Piano, Flute, Trumpet, Recorder (4) |
28. | Read 20 books in a year [journal] |
 | Started: April 13, 2006 Accomplished: April 12, 2007 |
 | Started: February 2008 |
30. | Memorize pi to 100 digits |
 | Started: 2006 |
32. | Perform a back handspring |
34. | Juggle 3 items |
35. | Do a set of 30 chinups |
36. | Throw a baseball 75 mph | 38.
39. | Know the names and city of residence of 250 people at church |
40. | Play at least 10 games of golf each year with my dad |
41. | Go skydiving |
42. | Go bungee jumping (Playing catchup with my little sister on this one) |
43. | Learn to ride a motorcycle (I wouldn't want to drive one on a regular basis, but I think that learning to ride one would be fun) |
45. | Learn to windsurf |
46. | Learn to surf |
47. | Learn to scuba dive |
 | Started: January 2008 (Well, grade 3 I guess) |
 | Started: January 2008 |
52. | Stand up from a sitting position on the ground with the use of one leg |
54. | Visit every province and territory of Canada |
 | Currently: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia (5) |
55. | Visit every state in the US |
 | Currently: New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina, Nevada, California, Arizona, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington (12) |
 | November 16, 2009 (Atlantis, STS-129) |
58. | Create a computer game |
61. | Compete in a triathalon |
63. | Have a resting heart rate of 40 bpm |
64. | Freedive to 100 feet |
65. | Learn some sign language |
 | Started: January 2007 Finished: January 2008 |
 | Started: April 20, 2007 Finished: April 20, 2008 |
 | Started: April 20, 2007 Finished: April 20, 2008 |
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Finished: June 2, 2009 |
 | Started: June 1, 2007 Accomplished: June 1, 2008 |
71. | Make homemade raspberry jam |
 | Accomplished: July 21, 2007 [journal] |
73. | Watch Tiger Woods hit a golf ball from 20 feet away |
 | Accomplished: 2001 |
 | Started: June 2, 2008 Finished: June 2, 2009 |
75. | Visit my sponsor child |
76. | Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro |
 | Is it possible? Check this out |
80. | Buy a house |
 | August 2006 |
81. | Make a CD |
82. | Grow a beard (while biking across Canada) |
83. | Do my chiro exercises each day for a year |
84. | Learn to kite board |
85. | Build a canoe |
86. | Learn to roll a kayak |
87. | Do a muscle up on gymnastic rings |
88. | Contribute a feature to an open source software project |
90. | Try a new recipe each week for a year |
 | Started: February 19, 2009 Finished: May 29, 2009 |
93. | Attend CES |
... to be continued ...