
Movies I've seen and what I thought about them.
Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden September 2, 2008

Meredith and I rented this movie on a whim but we really enjoyed it. It's made by the same guy who did Supersize Me, and his brand of humor worked surprisingly well with this subject matter. In addition to being very funny, the film maker does a great job helping us to see the the West from alternative viewpoints, and also does a good job educating his audience about Islam.
The Dark NightAugust 21, 2008
   This week I had the pleasure of seeing The Dark Night with Meredith. It was a fun night out and we enjoyed the movie. (and yet, somehow I can't quite give it four stars)  Iron Man June 10, 2008

Meredith treated me to Iron Man this week. What a great action flick! Robert Downey Jr. plays the character perfectly, and the effects are great without being in your face -- they add to the story rather than distract from it.
I also enjoyed the AI in the movie. I think they did a great job painting the AI into the story, again, to add new dimension to it, not to distract from it. The best is the fire extinguisher, poor guy.
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