
A place to write down things that I'd like to do.
Write a Facebook application May 7, 2008

Something that I'm curious to try is writing a Facebook application. Now, I'm sure that many a developer has thought up some great idea, written an app, and then had it go nowhere, but I'm ok with that.
My idea is along the lines of a life list or things I'd like to do. I'm sure they already exist, and 43things is a website that does this very thing, but perhaps I could add my own spin to the idea.
 Into Thin Air May 7, 2008

Someone at work today mentioned a book that I hadn't heard about: Into Thin Air. It chronicles a terrible Everest disaster, which came about when two large expeditions, both involving novice climbers, were hit by a mountain storm.
Climbing Everest isn't something that I would want to try. It just sounds too dangerous. But as with many things, it's something that you can experience through the words of people who have gone. Can't wait to read this book.
Thanks Jon!
 Rings of Saturn May 7, 2008

Something that I've wanted to do for some time now is to experience what it's like to look through a telescope. How neat would it be to see the rings of Saturn, for example, or to see the red glow of Mars? Someone at work was talking about his 8-inch telescope, and its ability to see the shadow cast on Saturn by its rings. He also mentioned that there is a local astronomy club day where they set up a bunch of telescopes in the park and people can come and have a peek.
While reading this page, I came across a new word: astrophotography. Sounds like that could be a lot of fun!